As followers of Jesus, we are all invited into God’s beautiful family. His intent has always been for us to do life together within a local church, which is part of His greater Kingdom family. When we come together, we’re able to learn, grow, and be transformed so that we can become more like Christ and share Him with the world around us. So, what is this family really about? Who are we, and why do we do what we do? Join us as we answer these questions and discover why We are Victory!
4 | The God Dream
by Johnson Bowie
Jesus has extended a beautiful invitation for us to live out our true mission: to go into all the world and make disciples. God longs to fill the earth with His glory through all of creation—that includes you! He has given us, the Victory family, a God-sized dream. But how exactly has He called us to fulfill it? God is magnified when we fully embrace our unique callings and release what He’s put in us for His glory in the world around us. Tune in to learn more!
Watch MessageVision & Values Card
3 | CHECK Yourself
by Johnson Bowie
We were created to reflect Jesus’ true nature! At Victory, our desire as a church body is to individually and corporately become more like Him. We want the world around us to know Him through the way that we live and love. Tune in to learn more about the values of Jesus that we want to embody as a church family!
Watch MessageVision & Values Card
2 | The Vision of Victory
by Johnson Bowie
We’re on a mission—the Great Commission! Jesus has called us to make disciples wherever we go, and we have the honor and privilege of being chosen to carry out the beautiful plans He has for the world. At Victory, He has given us a unique vision to do just that. Tune in to learn more about the DNA of our church family and God’s ultimate vision for us as followers of Christ.
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1 | A House of Prayer
by Johnson Bowie
Prayer is a beautiful invitation Into God’s presence! As followers of Jesus, and as a church family, it is the foundation of everything we do. We regularly pray to stay connected to God’s heart and seek His will to be done in the world around us. Tune in to learn more about what prayer is, its significance, and why Victory is a house of prayer!
Watch Message21 Days: Prayer & Fasting
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