Join us for Thirst: A Night of Worship | Jan 27th, 7pm | Learn More


We’re starting the year in a powerful way with 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting! From January 8-28, we’re taking time to intentionally focus on hearing God and honor Him with daily devotion, worship and prayer.

In the New Testament, Jesus made mention of “when we fast” (not “if”), letting us know that this should be a regular discipline in our lives. If you’ve never fasted, now is the best time, because we’re doing it together!

Take a look at the resources below to learn about why we fast and how to prepare.

Week 1 Overview

Week 2 Overview

Week 3 Overview

Week 4 Overview

How to get started!

Each day of the fast, we’ll share a devotional to help guide your prayer time. There are a few ways to access these devotionals, so choose the option that works best for you to make sure you don’t miss one!

Sign up to receive daily devotionals!
Sign up to receive daily texts by texting FAST to 203040.

Download our App!
View daily devotionals in our app & receive daily push notifications.

Visit us on the web!
Check back here on our website or follow us on Facebook or Instagram for each day’s devotional!

Daily Prayer Focus

21-Day Fast 2023 – Day 21

We’ve reached the final day of 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting! We hope you’ve come to know Jesus better throughout this time—that your ability to hear Him and trust in Him have grown more fully.

21-Day Fast 2023 – Day 20

Another way to grow in your relationship with God is by gathering and doing life with other believers. Through praising, praying, learning from scripture, and being in God’s presence together, we receive many benefits!

21-Day Fast 2023 – Day 19

A famous verse in the book of Psalm is a direct quote from God:
“Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”  
– Psalm 46:10 NIV 

View All Days

Why Fast?

Fasting is the most powerful spiritual discipline of all those discussed in the Bible. Through prayer and fasting, the Holy Spirit can transform your life and produce incredible results. Prayer alone is mighty, but when combined with fasting, it produces a powerful force against which hell cannot prevail.

Learn More About Fasting

Thirst | A Night of Worship

Come experience Thirst, an intentional and powerful time to worship, pray, and be refreshed in the Father’s presence.

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