Be Inspired


Have you ever wondered why you were created and what you were created to do? When we seek to live out our God-given purpose, we elevate our level of living. Identifying our unique gifts, talents, passions, abilities, and experiences can help us have a greater understanding of what He designed us to do in and for the world around us.

Are you ready?

Take Assessment


Each person taking the assessment will need unique, individual login credentials. Please note, if you share a household account, each person who wants to take the assessment must create separate credentials to ensure the results are tied to you individually. This will allow you to refer back to your results and will provide opportunities for our One Step team to help you identify ways you may apply what you’ve discovered.

When you click the “TAKE ASSESSMENT” button, you will be redirected to a login page where you will have three options.

Option 1: Login

If you have a unique, individual username and password with Victory, go ahead and enter your credentials and select “LOGIN.”

Option 2: Register

If you do not have an individual username and password, select “REGISTER” and follow the prompts to get set up. Remember, if you share a family account, each individual will need to register separately in order to take the gifts assessment.

Option 3: Forgot Account?

If you are not sure or can’t remember your login credentials, no problem! Select “FORGOT ACCOUNT” and go through the short reset or setup process.

The assessment will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete. Once complete, you will receive your results immediately, and you will have the opportunity to dive deeper into the meaning and practical application for your unique, God-given gifts.

Take Assessment


When we identify and develop our God-given gifts, we become intentional about living out God’s mission for us. The goal is to do what I love that God loves as well, which means that I must do something… We can step out in faith knowing that we’re not doing something for God but with God.

How to Use Your Gifts


As you feel led to use your gifts, we’d love to hear from you. We invite you to get connected and grow alongside us, too! Visit our One Step page and explore the possibilities.

Take One Step