
If you are suicidal, please call 911 immediately. We are not licensed physicians or counselors.

Helpful Sites

The following are links to other sites that provide helpful information for dealing with difficult situations and mental illness.

Your Life, Your VoiceNAMI.ORGMental Health Orgs

Guide + Referrals

There are many resources within our community and city that are available. These organizations and ministries specialize in helping meet specific needs.

Services DirectoryCounseling Referral List

Text to Talk

Anyone experiencing a crisis can also text TALK to 741741. More information about this service is provided below.

Learn More

Please see our complete statement of faith. We are not licensed counselors nor physicians. If you are in need of mental health services please contact a licensed counselor or physician. If you have a true medical emergency please immediately call 911 or go to your local emergency room.