
The time is now for churches to start addressing the culturally charged topic of racial reconciliation. The need for a positive, hope-filled message regarding race is essential to our moving forward. Let’s seek to bridge the racial divide.

June 19, 1865, known as Juneteenth, marked the end of slavery in the United States. We had the opportunity to have a conversation with Opal Lee, also known as the “Grandmother of Juneteenth”, who led the way for it to be recognized as a federal holiday in 2021.


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Our stories have the power to transform hearts and impact lives. Your testimony can help people begin to see others the way that Jesus does! So, we want to hear it. Share with us what God has done for you in the area of racial reconciliation.

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Get Your Book

After 30 years of pastoring Victory, which now has over 140 nations represented across all campuses, Founding Pastor Dennis Rouse released his second book. It’s called One: Healing the Racial Divide and is an especially timely message for the climate we’re currently living in.

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“One” Series

When Jesus came to earth, He demonstrated who God is—and how we are to live—by the way that He loved. As a part of His kingdom, we have the power to tear down the walls of racism and love across the lines that would otherwise divide us. Together, we can shift the narrative of our nation and the world as we stand for racial reconciliation and revival! Tune into our One series and find out how you can be a part of the change.

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Join The Movement

OneRace is a multi-church, multi-cultural movement made up of individuals united in the belief that racial reconciliation is possible through prayer, relationships, equipping, mercy and justice. We believe so, too. One of Victory’s four pillars is to reconcile cultures, so it’s no surprise that we support the OneRace mission to teach cities to love across color, class and culture. Check them out and join the movement!

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