ONE: Healing the Racial Divide
The time is now for churches to start addressing the culturally charged topic of racial reconciliation. The need for a positive, hope-filled message regarding race is essential to our moving forward. Let’s seek to bridge the racial divide. We’ve prepared multiple town hall style videos and curriculum for our small groups to go along with the weekend messages. Be a part of this series by spreading the word and joining the conversation! Below are a number of ways to get involved and dive deeper.

After 30 years of pastoring Victory, which now has over 140 nations represented across our campuses, Pastor Dennis is releasing his second book! It’s called One: Healing the Racial Divide and is an especially timely message for the climate we’re currently living in. Pre-sales are now available for $10 this month before going back up to its regular price of $21.99. So, make sure to visit to get your copy!
Pre-orderFoot Washing
Full version of the foot washing
Dr. Bernice King
Full version of Pastor Colleen’s interview with Dr. Bernice King.
Get Your Book
For a physical copy of your book visit the bookstore at your closest Victory location. This book is intended for use within small groups.
Digital CopyTell Your Story
We want you to share your story with us. You’ll become a minister to others by sharing what God has done in your heart and life in the area of racial reconciliation.
Share StoryHear the Message
Message 1 – The Challenge
Message 2 – Freedom
Message 3 – Healing The Political Divide
Message 4 – The Weapon of Love