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Extraordinary Life (Johnson Bowie)

In Extraordinary by ptorres

Jesus lived the most extraordinary life that has ever been lived on the earth. It was one full of joy, power, love and purpose. He is the example of what every follower of Christ is supposed to look like.

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Selfless (Johnson Bowie)

In Family Strong by ptorres

Back To All Messages View Sermon Notes There is nothing more toxic in relationships than selfishness. It is the underlying root of every broken family. The story of our lives ...
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Thank You (Johnson Bowie)

In Red by ptorres

Back To All Messages View Sermon Notes Jesus paid the ultimate price by dying on a cross for your sin. All that He asks in return is that you love ...
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New Family (Johnson Bowie)

In New by

Back To All Messages View Sermon Notes Of all the names available God chooses Abba, which most closely translates to Daddy. Through Jesus we are offered a new family with a new ...