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Christ + Culture

In Christ + Culture by ptorres

Our nation is divided and crying out for healing. Now is the time for change, and the body of Christ is called to lead the way. We are to stand united for …

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Answer Me (Johnson Bowie)

In When You Pray by ptorres

We’ve all felt the sting of our prayers seemingly going unanswered. If God says, “No,” or “Wait,”—if it seems like life is breaking—we may feel like God is far away. But the reality is …

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Kiss Me (Johnson Bowie)

In When You Pray by jbaffrey

Prayer is a gift, not some formula to follow like many have made it out to be. It is an opportunity to have a relationship with your Father—where you get close to Him, where your heart is changed, and where chaos is brought to rest … When you pray, the God of the entire universe listens and moves!