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Communication (Dennis Rouse)

In This is Home by ptorres

Back To All Messages View Sermon Notes Download From Vimeo Every good marriage and family has one element in common, and that is positive communication. It is the most important ...
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The Rock (Dennis Rouse)

In Future Church by ptorres

Back To All Messages View Sermon Notes Download From Vimeo God's Word is the rock upon which the Lord said He would build His church. The world says that there ...
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Free Life (Dennis Rouse)

In Forward by ptorres

Back To All Messages View Sermon Notes Through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus we have been given the opportunity to live a free life! From the very beginning ...
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First Temple (Dennis Rouse)

In First by ptorres

Back To All Messages View Sermon Notes No matter what you do, God will never stop loving you. But He wants you to live free of sin and condemnation. Choose ...
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First Treasure (Dennis Rouse)

In First by ptorres

Back To All Messages View Sermon Notes If you're going to live faithfully as a follower of Christ, you have to learn how to put Him first in everything. That ...
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First Talent (Dennis Rouse)

In First by ptorres

Back To All Messages View Sermon Notes When you receive Christ as your Savior, you also receive the gift of salvation. With that comes the opportunity to begin living out ...
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First Time (Dennis Rouse)

In First by ptorres

Back To All Messages View Sermon Notes God created us to win the race of life, but many of us are weighed down by the cares and burdens we were ...
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God First (Dennis Rouse)

In First by ptorres

Back To All Messages View Sermon Notes Most people never realize the purpose and potential that God has placed inside of them. Why? Because they have made the decision to ...
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Vision (Dennis Rouse)

In Family Strong by ptorres

Back To All Messages View Sermon Notes The way you do family says a lot about your relationship with God. Whether or not a child grows to live a life ...
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Dominion (Dennis Rouse)

In Family Strong by ptorres

Back To All Messages View Sermon Notes There is a war taking place against the family unit. Families are under attack now more than ever before. The battle is not ...