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Between The Toes (Troy Maxwell)

In Red by ptorres

Back To All Messages View Sermon Notes We don’t want people in our business, but God does. He created us to be in relationship with each other, and when we ...
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Thank You (Johnson Bowie)

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Back To All Messages View Sermon Notes Jesus paid the ultimate price by dying on a cross for your sin. All that He asks in return is that you love ...
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The Narrow Road (Dennis Rouse)

In Red by ptorres

Back To All Messages View Sermon Notes God’s Word tells us that as we draw closer to the return of Christ the world will get darker and darker. But living ...
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Go! (David Stephens)

In Red by ptorres

Back To All Messages View Sermon Notes If you're searching for your purpose, God has already written it in His Word. It's bigger than your occupation or the numbers on ...
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The Father’s Love (Dennis Rouse)

In Red by ptorres

Back To All Messages View Sermon Notes Every major ill of society may be traced back to fatherlessness. Jesus was able to love others unconditionally when He walked the earth ...
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What Do You Believe? (Olin Holly)

In Red by ptorres

Back To All Messages View Sermon Notes Jesus performed miraculous signs and wonders when He walked the earth. God's Word captures many of them, building our faith with each depiction. ...