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New Power (Dennis Rouse)

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God is powerful. He send His Holy Spirit so that we may operate in that same power. He sent it to be our helper, comforter, strengthener, counselor and guide. When it comes upon you, you begin to walk in new power. Learn more about the free gift of the baptism of the Holy Spirit and decide if you want to receive it for yourself in the final message of our New series.

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New Hope (Colleen Rouse)

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Back To All Messages View Sermon Notes You are valuable in the eyes of God. When you give your life fully to Him, you become a new creation. He offers ...
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New Spirit (Dennis Rouse)

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Back To All Messages View Sermon Notes Our spirits are the core of who we are.God's Word says that when we begin to follow Him we become a new creation ...
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New Family (Johnson Bowie)

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Back To All Messages View Sermon Notes Of all the names available God chooses Abba, which most closely translates to Daddy. Through Jesus we are offered a new family with a new ...
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New Position (Dennis Rouse)

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Back To All Messages View Sermon Notes The problem with sin is that everyone falls into it at some point, and it becomes so common that the majority of people ...
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New Freedom (Colleen Rouse)

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Back To All Messages View Sermon Notes As a follower of Jesus, you have been transferred from the kingdom of darkness into His light. You no longer have to identify ...
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New Life (Dennis Rouse)

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Back To All Messages View Sermon Notes Have you ever thought of what your life would be like if you could start over again? The good news is that Christ ...