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Extraordinary Life (Johnson Bowie)

In Extraordinary by ptorres

Jesus lived the most extraordinary life that has ever been lived on the earth. It was one full of joy, power, love and purpose. He is the example of what every follower of Christ is supposed to look like.

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Extraordinary Grace (Dennis Rouse)

In Extraordinary by ptorres

In ourselves, none of us are good enough to be in right standing with God. But Jesus became sin for us so that we could be set free. Because of Him we have the opportunity to rest in God’s presence without a sense of condemnation, inferiority or rejection.

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Extraordinary Character (Dennis Rouse)

In Extraordinary by ptorres

As disciples of Jesus, we’re called to do more than just say we believe in Him. We are meant to be His hands and feet in the earth — to be like Him. What can we say is at the core of who Jesus is and what He modeled when He came in human form?