Legacy Journey

8 Sessions

Legacy Journey

The Legacy Journey is an 8-week personal financial group study taught by Dave Ramsey. Through videos, you will learn a biblical framework for growing your money, securing your family’s future, and leaving a legacy for generations to come.

You will learn the following in the Legacy Journey study.

        • week 1 – Snares and Dares: Learn what the Bible has to say about wealth and faithful stewardship, along with some toxic beliefs society has about wealth.
        • week 2 – The Pinnacle Point: Learn how to invest wisely.
        • week 3 – The Law of Great Gain: Discover the keys to contentment and learn how to figure out how much is enough.
        • week 4 – The Road to Awesome: Learn the five stages of an awesome life, including purposeful living, mastering your talents and guiding others.


    • week 5 – Safeguarding Your Legacy: Find out how to live and leave a legacy for your family and future generations.
    • week 6 – Generational Legacy: Learn the kingdom perspective on material possessions, along with the keys to basic estate planning and generational wealth.
    • week 7 – Called to Generosity: Discover how you can become generous and use the resources God gives you to further the kingdom for generations to come.
    • Bonus week – Fearfully, Wonderfully Made: Learn the four basic personality profiles and understand how our differences can improve communication in all of our relationships.

A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children…

– Prov. 13:22 (NKJ)

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