Heart of the House

The Heart of the House Initiative is our expression of love through missions outreach and disaster relief efforts. We make several mission trips per year and support missionaries all around the globe. When disaster happens, we respond by sending teams, items and other forms of support, restoring homes, communities and lives. One hundred percent of all contributions are given directly toward these efforts.


Featured Projects

Your contributions to the Heart of the House initiative have enabled us to take part in many world-changing projects.

Philippines: Funded a “Girls Getaway” in the Philippines for sex trafficking victims to be restored, hear the Gospel and be rescued

Atlanta: Funded new showers at SafeHouse Outreach for the homeless

Cambodia: Gave Evangelical Mission Association funds to create fresh water wells and minister the gospel

Messenger International: Partnered with John Bevere to get his books published, printed and distributed in countries where the Gospel is suppressed

Thailand: Funded and held a large Youth Leaders Conference in Thailand, giving the leaders the tools to succeed in ministry

Turkey: Partnered in strategically placing evangelists in Turkey to minister Jesus to Iranian tourists, with hundreds accepting Christ

Mexico: Funded and built a youth facility in one of the few places in town where Christian youth can assemble

Nicaragua: Hosted the 11th outdoor women’s conference in partnership with LifeLink International for over 1300 women from impoverished regions in the area

Eastern/Western Europe: Purchased six vans to help Jesus Revolution youth travel to Eastern and Western Europe and the Balkans to minister and preach the Gospel

FloridaSent a team of young adults to Florida to assist in and help underwrite a church launch

Bahamas: Partnered with an organization that flew in hygiene kits and water purification via large jets promptly after the hurricane

Ukraine Update

We have the privilege to spread the hope of Christ as we partner with a ministry in Ukraine to help meet the needs of the people there. Through our Heart of the House initiative, we have the opportunity to help thousands of women, children and elderly to safely cross the borders and protect those targeted for sex trafficking.

…let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work. – 2 Cor. 9:6-8 NKJ