Budget Coaching

We’re Here To Help

Are you ready to set up a budget that works, get free from debt, and start fulfilling some deferred dreams?

The Money + Wisdom Budget Coaching team provides biblical guidance to improve your overall financial health and encouragement to become a better financial steward over the resources God has entrusted you to manage (Proverbs 27:23-24).

Within the context of your personal purpose and goals, we will help organize your financial details into a working spending plan.

What To Expect

Engagements may be short-term or long-term and may include the following types of interactions:

  • Answers to specific financial questions (1 -2 sessions)
  • Assistance developing an initial budget (3 – 4 sessions)
  • Accountability to maintain an existing budget (2 – 4 sessions)
  • Guidance to navigate life changes (2 – 4 sessions)

Next Steps

Step 1

Begin tracking your expenses. Budget coaches would like to see 30 consecutive days of actual expenses.

Step 2

Complete the Budget Profile form and upload your financial documents which provides us with background information on your current financial situation.


Step 3

Schedule an appointment with a Budget Coach by selecting “In-Person Budget Coaching” or “Virtual Budget Coaching”.  Completion of Step 2 is required prior to scheduling your initial budget coaching session.


Step 4

Meet with your budget coach, providing transparency and honesty regarding your financial situation.