God erects fences to protect things that are holy. He is the one and holy God, set apart and …
The True Vine (Darius Dunson)
Jesus tells us that He is the vine and we are the branches. What exactly does He mean by that? Apart from Him, we are …
Helmet of Salvation (Darius Dunson)
We’re fighting a spiritual battle, and we have an enemy who is aiming right for our heads. Satan knows that if he can get into our minds…
Resurrecting Power of Community (Darius Dunson)
We all need people to walk through life with us — to help us grow and become our best selves. That’s how…
The Promise of Overcoming (Darius Dunson)
In the Bible, Jesus tells us that we will experience trouble while we live on the earth. But we can have courage because He has already overcome…