We live in a world that tells us we have to prove our worth, but if God’s greatness is going to be …
A Community of Greatness (Andrew Momon)
The journey of emancipating greatness was never meant to …
The Stand (Andrew Momon Jr.)
Matthew 5:15 tells us: “… a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to …
Prince of Peace (Andrew Momon Jr.)
On the night when Christ was born, the angels proclaimed: “Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth!” Since the beginning of time, humanity has looked for peace, but few have ever been able to find it. Why?
Search Me (Andrew Momon, Jr.)
One of the primary keys to an effective prayer life is the “search me” prayer. When we’re struggling with sin or emotional instability, it’s often because we aren’t giving God full access to our hearts.
Baptism of the Holy Spirit (Andrew Momon)
When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit comes to live inside of us and help us to represent Christ in the world. We can also receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, when He comes upon us and empowers us to operate in the supernatural.
His Character (Andrew Momon)
When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we receive the Holy Spirit. He comes to live inside of us and to impart His character for the world to see.
He Is Our Guide (Andrew Momon)
The most important relationship we will ever have in life is the one we have with the Holy Spirit. He is a person who was sent to help us, to be our guide.
Living for the Line and not the Dot (Andrew Momon)
Money is the most talked about topic in the Bible. God’s Word tells us that we cannot serve both God and money—but that we may only serve one or the other. Oftentimes…
We Got Next (Andrew & Kendra Momon)
The Key to Making Right Decisions (Andrew Momon)
Finding Purpose (Andrew Momon)
Transitioning from Old to New (Andrew Momon)
Love Expressed (Andrew Momon)
Loving People Through Tough Times (Andrew Momon)
Loving People to Jesus (Andrew Momon)
Generous Love (Andrew Momon)
God’s plan has always been for us to extend His generous love to those around us. Each of us is here to represent Him—to be a…
The Fathers Love (Andrew Momon)
There is a love that is higher than any human love we could ever experience. When Jesus lived on the earth, He demonstrated that He’s able to love others because…
The Rhythm of Time (Andrew Momon)
The Rhythm of Joy (Andrew Momon)
The Rhythm of Rest (Andrew Momon)
Choices (Andrew Momon Jr.)
Good vs. Evil (Andrew Momon Jr.)
We’ve all made bad choices, and some of us are paying the price for them at this very moment. The fact is that we have a choice to…