When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit comes to live inside of us and help us to represent Christ in the world. We can also receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, when He comes upon us and empowers us to operate in the supernatural.
His Character (Andrew Momon)
When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we receive the Holy Spirit. He comes to live inside of us and to impart His character for the world to see.
He Is Our Guide (Andrew Momon)
The most important relationship we will ever have in life is the one we have with the Holy Spirit. He is a person who was sent to help us, to be our guide.
Who Is He? (Andrew Momon)
Jesus told His disciples that it was better for Him to leave so that the Helper could come. We know now that He was talking about Holy Spirit. But exactly who is He?