Jesus died a brutal death on a cross, sacrificing His life once and for all so that we could have a relationship with …
The Stand (Andrew Momon Jr.)
Matthew 5:15 tells us: “… a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to …
What We’ve Learned in 2020 (Johnson & Summer Bowie)
This year has been one for the books! On the last Sunday of 2020, we took time to reflect on all God taught us in 2020. Tune in as our campus pastors share the many lessons they’ve learned throughout this unprecedented year.
Easter: The Table (Dennis Rouse)
Navigating Difficult Financial Times (Dennis Rouse)
The Richness of the Message (Johnson Bowie)
We are living in a world where our realities are shifting every day. In moments of uncertainty…
People of Faith (Dennis Rouse)
Refiner’s Fire (John Bevere)
As followers of Christ, we know that God has a promise for our lives—a destiny for each of us to live out on the earth. But throughout various seasons of our…
Healed (Kendra Momon)
Repentance – Killing Kryptonite (John Bevere)
There can be no sincere faith in God without repentance. What is repentance? It’s…
Easter 2018: Who Is Jesus (Dennis Rouse)
Jesus is alive and well! Each year we commemorate the incredible life and resurrection of the Savior, Jesus Christ. He is God, yet lowered Himself as…