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Greater Works (Johnson Bowie)

In Greater by jbaffrey

Jesus told the disciples that anyone who believed in Him would do even greater works than He did, because He was going to be with the Father. But what exactly did Jesus mean by “greater works”?

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Kiss Me (Johnson Bowie)

In When You Pray by jbaffrey

Prayer is a gift, not some formula to follow like many have made it out to be. It is an opportunity to have a relationship with your Father—where you get close to Him, where your heart is changed, and where chaos is brought to rest … When you pray, the God of the entire universe listens and moves!

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Baptism of the Holy Spirit (Johnson Bowie)

In The 3rd Person by jbaffrey

When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit comes to live inside of us and help us to represent Christ in the world. We can also receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, when He comes upon us and empowers us to operate in the supernatural.

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Navigating Change (Johnson Bowie)

In Next by jbaffrey

God is continually calling us to change. Whenever we begin to get comfortable, He speaks something new, a shift, into our lives. Why? So that we produce more fruit …

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The Rhythm of Time (Johnson Bowie)

In Rhythm by jbaffrey

Back To All Messages View Sermon Notes Download from Vimeo Many people struggle with time management. Why? Because they don't know their purpose. If you don't know where you're going ...
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Passion (Johnson Bowie)

In Like Him by ptorres

Many of us have passion for things that don’t involve God. We get distracted by the things of the world and lose our hunger for Him. But Jesus gave us an example of what…